Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lenin on the Necessity of a Worker's State and Vanguard Leadership

"The proletariat needs state power, a centralized organization of force, an organization of violence, both to
crush the resistance of the exploiters and to lead the enormous mass of the population — the peasants, the
petty bourgeoisie, and semi­proletarians — in the work of organizing a socialist economy

By educating the workers' party, Marxism educates the vanguard of the proletariat, capable of assuming
power and leading the whole people to socialism, of directing and organizing the new system, of being the
teacher, the guide, the leader of all the working and exploited people in organizing their social life without
the bourgeoisie and against the bourgeoisie. By contrast, the opportunism now prevailing trains the
members of the workers' party to be the representatives of the better­paid workers, who lose touch with the
masses, "get along" fairly well under capitalism, and sell their birthright for a mass of pottage, i.e., renounce
their role as revolutionary leaders of the people against the bourgeoisie.

Marx's theory of "the state, i.e., the proletariat organized as the ruling class", is inseparably bound up with
the whole of his doctrine of the revolutionary role of the proletariat in history. The culmination of this rule
is the proletarian dictatorship, the political rule of the proletariat."

The State and Revolution
by V.I. Lenin

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